Collaboration line of G.F.G.S. Multifaceted activities of G.F.G.S.

Ultra Heavy 石川顕さんディレクション。元祖 Bonzaipaint立沢トオルさんとULTRA HEAVYジェリー鵜飼さんのハーフ&ハーフデザイン、G.F.G.S.制作のアイテム。 G.F.G.S. PLAYをベースに、サイクルジャージのエッセンスを加えたコラボレーション。 [生産終了]
G.F.G.S. × EGUCHI HISASHI collaborated vol.2
江口寿史先生とのコラボレーション、第二弾は「KOTOBUKI STUDIO ボーダーシャツ」。 江口寿史先生のこだわりが随所にちりばめられた本作は、カラー、ボーダー幅、KOTOBUKI STUDIOタグと、本モデルの為の特注仕様です。
2017年11月15日24:00までの期間限定受注生産。 [生産終了]

江口寿史 profile
漫画家/イラストレーター 1956年熊本県生まれ。 1977年「週刊少年ジャンプ」にてデビュー。斬新なポップセンスと独自の絵柄で漫画界に多大な影響を与える。代表作「すすめ!!パイレーツ」「ストップ!!ひばりくん!」など。80年代中盤からはイラストレーターとしても多方面で活動。1992年短編集「爆発ディナーショー」で第38回文藝春秋漫画賞受賞。2015年、画業38周年の全仕事を網羅する画集『KING OF POP』(玄光社刊)を発売。それにあわせキャリア初となる全国巡回の作品展「江口寿史展 KING OF POP」を1年半にわたり開催した。

The second round of collaboration with Hisashi Eguchi is the KOTOBUKI STUDIO Striped Shirt. This work, where Hisashi Eguchi's ruling passion is interspersed everywhere, is a special custom order for this shirt in color and stripe width. The shirt comes with a KOTOBUKI STUDIO tag. Made-to-order manufacturing available until midnight on November 15, 2017. [Discontinued]

Hisashi Eguchi Profile
A comic artist and illustrator born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1956. Debuted in the magazine "Weekly Shonen Jump" in 1977 and greatly influenced the world of comics with his novel pop sense and original pictures. Some of his best known works are "Advance! Pirates" and "Stop! Hibari-kun!" He has worked extensively as an illustrator since the mid 1980s. Was awarded the 38th Bungei Shun-shu Comic Award for his short story collection titled "Explosion Dinner Show" in 1992. In 2015, he released his "KING OF POP" art collection, published by Genkosha, that covers all of his work for 38 years. In conjunction, he held his first nationwide exhibition tour titled "Hisashi Eguchi Exhibition KING OF POP" for one and a half years.

groovisionsとのコラボレーションモデル「G.F.G.S.G.R.V.」。第二弾となる今作はデザインスタジオ・グルーヴィジョンズが独自の視点で選んだ商品を扱うセレクトショップ「三三屋」の1st anniversaryを記念して制作されたmodelです。
2017年11月15日24:00までの期間限定受注生産。 [生産終了]

groovisions profile

“G.F.G.S.G.R.V.” is a collaboration with groovisions. The present work, which is the second round, is a shirt created in commemoration of the 1st anniversary of the select shop Mimiya that handles products selected by the groovisions design studio from their own perspective. Made-to-order manufacturing available until midnight on November 15, 2017 [Discontinued]

groovisions Profile
A design studio based in Tokyo. The studio has designed in areas centering on graphics and movies since its establishment in 1993.